NGO Website Redesign

UX Case Study

Project Overview

“Give Kids the World Village” is a non-profit organization whose target audience are volunteers, donors, and parents of differently-abled kids. Their website helps users to donate to the organization’s charity,  enrol for volunteering services and learn about the vacation venues for differently-abled kids.

My Role

UX Research | Visual Design


4 months




The organization did not receive enough volunteer applications and donations. This affected the organization to arrange vacations for differently-abled kids.


The goal of the project was to deliver a user-friendly website that increases the volunteer sign ups and donations.

Research Phase

Heuristic Evaluation

Initially, heuristic evaluation (according to Nielsen Norman’s criteria on Usability Principles) was conducted to know if the website has followed all the necessary usability principles. At the end of the evaluation stage, it was known that the website was lacking in some of the usability principles such as the efficiency of use, aesthetics and minimalistic design, etc.

User Research

I conducted a survey with the help of Google Forms as a part of my user research to identify the target audience for the NGO website. I received 25 responses from people. Below is the documentation of the survey.

Total no. of participants: 25

Survey Insights

Quantitative Insights

Qualitative Insights

Define Phase


With the insights from the user research, 3 different personas were created. Personas were created in order to identify the possible different user groups of the website and their goals, expectations and pain points.

User Group 1: Students

User Group 2: IT Professionals

User Group 3: Retired Employees

Usability Testing

Once the user research was conducted and personas and user stories were created, the existing website was tested with 6 participants. Usability testing was conducted to understand the impact of each issue identified during the heuristic evaluation and also to know whether these issues were actual or potential issues to the users or not.

Participants were given 3 scenarios and 3 tasks under each scenario to understand users’ opinion and feedback on the website.

Test Goals

What is the success rate of the tasks?
Were users able to complete the tasks without any frustrations?
Did the users find the navigation menu useful?
Did the users find the website authentic and trustworthy as it involves a donation process?

User Stories

User Group 1 - Students

As a student, I want to have a signing up feature for volunteering so that I can sign up and see the volunteering services required.

User Group 2 - Working Professional

As a working professional, I want to have the “Donate” button on the home page so that I can donate easily.

User Group 3 - Retired Employee

As a retired employee, I want to have information on the testimonials about the organization so that I can get a better knowledge about the organization

Usability Test Insights

View detailed test insights

Classification of Issues

Design Phase

Final Design

The final product aimed at resolving the blocker issues of the existing website.

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